It is summertime and it is hot! Many folks are not feeling like the best version of themselves in this heat. If you have spent any time at all in Texas from June through August, you know exactly how this heat feels. The heat mixed with humidity combined with all the fun activities that keep so many of us outdoors during the summer can take a toll on the body, more than we probably realize, or even feel. It is critical to stay hydrated all year long, but especially during the hottest months of the year when folks sweat much more than usual. Sometimes, drinking enough water can be difficult to remember or keep up with when constantly on the go. Because of this, Vita 10 IV Therapy is committed to serving residents of the North Texas area IV drip therapy for hydration, wellness, recovery, and revitalization. If you feel the need for some vitamin infused IV therapy, this is the place for you.
For a quick and easy answer to dehydration, Vita 10 offers a basic hydration drip for only seventy-five dollars that will bring whole body rejuvenation. Another way to solve any dehydration issues that could be combined with other needs as well would be a customized drip. This would allow you to have the benefit of the basic hydration drip along with any other drip therapies that are needed. For example, the Myers’ Cocktail contains vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and HD B complex, so it is able to help with fatigue, asthma, pain, acute muscle spasms, and seasonal allergies. To take it a step further, the most popular drip is the Myers’ Plus that contains everything in the Myers’ Cocktail plus important amino acids and glutathione. This time of year, it is also essential to continue focusing on building a strong immune system that you can count on throughout the rest of the year. The Immune Boost drip will help you do just that with its combination of vitamin C, B complex, zinc, magnesium, and calcium gluconate. For whole body health and wellness, the Executive Drip is the way to go as it contains all of these wonderful ingredients and much more. Vita 10 is dedicated to offering the best vitamin infused IV therapy.
Another area of concern in the summer is your level of energy. If you find yourself feeling consistently sluggish even after a full night of sleep, you just might need a vitamin boost. Vita 10 has a great selection of vitamin infused IV therapy choices that are geared towards improving energy among other things. The Energy Boost drip contains HD vitamin B complex and other energy-boosting vitamins, so it is guaranteed to help with energy, mood, metabolic function, and depression. Another drip focused on energy is the Athletic Performance Drip, which is great for athletes, of course, during the height of their summer workout regimens. By offering such a wide variety of vitamin drips that target specific issues, Vita 10 IV Therapy is an incredible resource for the overall health and wellness of the North Texas community.